On 31 January, CCS Europe's director Chris Davies is hosting the third of our webinar series on the value of CCS in the transition to a carbon-neutral economy.A CCS 'ENVOY' FOR EUROPE?
There is speculation that the Industrial Carbon Management Strategy to be published on 6 February may include a proposal for the appointment of a CCS 'envoy' (aka 'Tsar') to help...Looking back at 2023
2023 – PUSHING THE CCS BALL UPHILLSummer Series Ep. 4 | The best words ever written about CCS
They were a long time coming but well worth the read when they did. Perhaps the importance of the words has yet to be properly recognised, but if European industry...Summer Series Ep. 3 | My Fears for CCS
For eight years I had been a member of the European Parliament’s environment committee, working on climate legislation amongst other things, before I took notice of CCS.Summer Series Ep. 2 | True believers should pay heed to the climate bible
It’s ironic that some of those who are the most loud in their demand for action to reduce emissions are the most selective when it comes to insisting what are...Summer Series Ep. 1 | Who’s afraid of CO2 storage?
It’s not easy to promote CCS if the public are against you, and what is most likely to concern them is the prospect of having CO2 stored beneath their homes. ...France Backs CCS - An Article by Director Chris Davies
The French ministers for industry and energy transition have made very clear that CCS/CCUS has a significant role to play in curbing emissions from their country's hard-to-abate industrial sectors.Any doubts about the safety of CO2 storage?
Future prospects for carbon capture and storage (CCS) deployment could be wrecked if a negative answer is given to that most basic question, "is CO2 storage safe?" Given that use of the technology is the only means we possess for curbing emissions from a number of hard-to-abate industrial sectors such an answer would be unfortunate...