Overall, Sweden is moving towards a national CCS strategy. On top of that, the Swedish CCS community is being supported by the Industrial Leap Programme which is currently deploying €130 million per year until 2031.
CO2 Capture: A
There is no target, but the NECP does provide an assumption that 1.5 Mt of co2 can be captured by 2030. It also provides an assumption for carbon removal by 2030 and 2045, with an agency being appointed to support the deployment of CCS).
CO2 Storage: C
No concrete plans for storage, but it is exploring the potential for storage on its territory.
CO2 Transport: F
Sweden only foresees ship transport from their territory to Norway, and don’t mention any direct support for it.
Funding: B
New pot of money for CDR, directly available to them and no one else. For point source CCS, money comes from a single pot of money that is available to other technologies as well.