Lithuania's NECP shows commendable ambition in CO₂ capture and transport but falls short in storage planning and funding commitments.
CO2 Capture: B
The NECP provides a concrete target for the capture of biogenic by 2030 and by 2050. It is also accompanied by measures aimed at supporting the development of the sector. Although the target is only for biogenic CO2, this remains a concrete target and would therefore consider this to be an A).
CO2 Storage: D
There is no planned storage identified in this document. However, it does mention regularly the importance of collaborating for the transport and eventual storage of CO2. This is both the case in the context of ngCCUS and its plans to export fossil CO2 for storage outside the country.
CO2 Transport: B
The plan clearly states that Lithuania is developing a CO2 transport infrastructure, and that criteria of open access are attached to that. In this context, this is a clear B).
Funding: F No funding for CCS is identified in the NECP, that warrants an F.