Italian NECP

Overall, while Italy is making important steps in setting up a regulatory framework for CCS, work still needs to be done. In order for industry to get the necessary certainty to confidently invest in these technologies, concrete targets needs to be set soon.

CO2 Capture: B

Italy identifies a potential capture target of 20-40 Mt by 2050 but does not provide a target for 2030. New legislation is being developed to expand the competences of bodies involved in CCUS processes and define legal and economic arrangements, including CO2 ownership transfer along the value chain.

CO2 Transport: C

Italy has plans to set up a regional plan for cross-border cooperation with Greece and France (in the PCI process) and is developing its vision for its national infrastructure.

CO2 Storage: A

Italy has estimated the storage potential only in ENI-owned facilities of 750 Mt.

Funding: B

Italy announces its intention to develop support schemes dedicated to support carbon capture, through CAPEX and OPEX, but also regarding the cost of transport and storage