Past Event

CCS Europe and CEMBUREAU European Parliament Breakfast Event: The role of carbon capture in decarbonising energy-intensive sectors

January 16, 2025 at 8:00am - 9am
European Parliament

The key challenge facing the EU in the next mandate will be how to reconcile ambitious climate and decarbonisation objectives with European industry's continued international competitiveness. In a few weeks, the European Commission is expected to release its Clean Industrial Deal that will look at the key technologies and policy measures allowing us to achieve this objective.

In this breakfast event co-hosted with CEMBUREAU and sponsored by MEP Sean Kelly (EPP, IE), we will be discussing the critical role of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in the decarbonisation of Europe’s energy-intensive industries. The event will bring together policymakers and industry leaders to discuss the current state of CCS deployment and ongoing investments in the cement industry and other EU industrial sectors. It will also address the policy measures and funding mechanisms needed to accelerate its adoption in the coming years. We aim to provide valuable insights into how CCS can support the decarbonisation of industrial sectors faced with unavoidable CO2 emissions, and thus contribute to the ongoing discussion on the role of industrial carbon management in the EU's decarbonisation. 



  • MEP Sean Kelly (EPP, IE) (Moderator)
  • Koen Coppenholle, Chief Executive at CEMBUREAU
  • Rodolphe Nicolle, Chair of the Governing Board of CCS Europe and Secretary-General of the European Lime Association (EuLA)
  • Alessia Virone, EU Affairs Director at Clean Air Task Force



08:00 - 08:05: Welcome remarks by Sean Kelly

08:05 - 08:45: Panel discussion

08:45-08:55: Q&A

08:55-09:00: Concluding remarks by Sean Kelly


Please note that accreditation to the European Parliament is needed to attend our breakfast. 

To register, RSVP below!