CCS: the pathway to decarbonise European industry

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CCS Europe October Newsletter
CCS Europe Newsletter  October edition - web version 3 October, 2024  
No Net-Zero Without Carbon Capture - Response to report by Oil Change International
Carbon capture is a critical decarbonisation strategy in most mitigation pathways, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The International Energy Agency highlights the important role for the...

Chris Davies' Keynote Speech at Carbfix Mineralisation Summit 2024

CARBFIX MINERALISATION SUMMIT 2024 Reykjavik, Iceland -  12/13 September     Sixteen years ago I stood on a small concrete platform in the Sahara Desert – no sand dunes, just a rough stoney patch beneath the sun.  Five kilometres away CO2 was being separated from methane at the In-Salah gas extraction plant and transported along a pipe.  It emerged from the sand and...
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Brussels, 04 October 2024 -- The UK government has announced a commitment of a nearly £22 billion over the next 25 years to fund critical carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects. This landmark move signals a significant step toward advancing the UK’s green transition and revitalising key industries.
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What is Carbon Capture and Storage?

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology has the sole purpose of curbing climate change by reducing the volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions released into the atmosphere or withdrawing those already within it. 

Emissions from industrial processes and remaining fossil fuel power plants must be captured and transported for permanent storage in deep geological formations, to be supplemented by CO2 captured directly from the air.

CCS Europe: Who we are

CCS Europe is an advocacy and communications body supported by technology providers, project developers, industry and environmental NGOs, who share a commitment to achieve significant reductions in CO2 emissions.

CCS Europe’s objective is to secure recognition of the urgent need to deploy carbon capture technologies to curb CO2 emissions from industrial sources and reduce CO2 already within the atmosphere.